Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



The wake

The many descendants of Winston Jacobs III filed through the doorway of a farmhouse that had hosted soldiers during the American Civil War. They wore black and, apart from Winston ‘Jake’ Jacobs V, who led the procession, they looked vacantly…

Paula Abdul cancels tour due to recent injuries

Paula Abdul has been forced to scrap her entire Canadian tour, plus a few U.S. dates, due to an injury that she says requires a “minor procedure.” Abdul, 62, was set to perform in Anchorage, Alaska, on Sept. 21 ahead…

Your boss is not your parent

At a recent management training session on “having difficult conversations” in the workplace, I started to laugh. Everything about this particular class felt familiar. We were told to focus on the change in behaviour we wanted to see within our…
